CBTComputer-Based Testing

In the 6-year pharmacy education, we aim to acquire practical skills as a pharmacist and foster a sense of ethics and a sense of mission as a medical professional. Under the guidance and supervision of an experienced pharmacist, practical training will be conducted in medical settings such as hospitals and pharmacies after the fifth year. However, for pharmacist students who do not have pharmacist qualifications to practice practical training, It is necessary to ensure that the student’s knowledge, skills and attitude have reached a certain level. The test for that is the pharmacy shared test.
The Pharmaceutical Common Achievement Tests Organization was established by the Association of Presidents and Deans of Japanese Schools of Pharmacy in 2006 as a specified non-profit organization to conduct Pharmaceutical Common Achievement Tests (PhCAT) with impartiality and fairness in 74 schools of pharmacy nationwide.
PhCAT is the examination to evaluate the basic abilities of pharmacy students required in on-site pharmacy practice, and is made up of Computer-Based Testing (CBT) to assess student’s knowledge and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) to assess student’s skills and attitude.
The mission of the Organization is ensuring the quality of students for society and facilities providing pharmacy practice, and our main operations include creation and selection of CBT questions and OSCE exams, conducting examinations, managing systems, evaluation and analysis of results. Furthermore, we conduct various activities to ensure that the meaning of these tests become more widely known throughout society.
Our activities are supported by not only pharmacy schools nationwide but also related organizations in pharmaceutical field in Japan.